7 Unique Ways to Use Your Apple AirTags
Apple AirTags are silver manna from heaven. They’re small, coin-shaped devices that can be placed on almost anything.
They integrate with the Find My Friends app on our iPhones and allow us to instantly track all manner of things.
Once you start to take advantage of the unique uses for Apple AirTags, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without their assurances.
Here are seven ideas to help you further safeguard your precious belongings.
1. Dog Tags
Of course, the ultimate goal is to have a well-trained fur baby that wouldn’t dream of running away. But, like humans, they can take leave of their senses and make bad decisions, too.
While microchipping is used for this very reason, it has one major downfall: someone still has to find Fido in order to pull up the chip in the national database. Wouldn’t it be better to know where your baby ran off to in the heat of the moment?
Place an AirTag on your pet’s dog tags and you put all your worries to bed, should your little one ever run away from home.
2. Bicycles and Scooters
If you live in a bike-friendly city and use two wheels to get to and fro, stick an AirTag on the handlebars. The same goes for that cute little electric scooter you invested in.
Even if you have an electric scooter that can be folded up and taken inside with you, an added ounce of precaution is never a bad idea.
3. Luggage
It happens rarely these days, but lost luggage is not outside the realm of possibility, even with all of our modern efficiencies. When you place an AirTag in your beautiful Tumi bag, you can track it all the way from port to port.
Sometimes we have to check expensive items like cameras, laptops, or specialty items from our latest travel spot. There’s tremendous peace of mind when we’re able to see that our bag is flying high, too.
This also gives you an edge over your fellow travelers as you gather around the dreaded conveyer belt and wait for it to spit out your luggage at the next port of call.
4. Car Keys
The moment of panic when you can’t find your AirPods is real. But, that panic increases exponentially when the hunt for our car keys lasts longer than a minute.
Buy yourself a special new keychain with the right dimensions and discreetly tuck an AirTag on the back. You can also purchase a ready-made keychain that’s specifically designed for these little lifesavers.
5. AirPods
Apple AirPods are no small investment. They’re wonderful because they last for hours and, if you’re an Apple loyalist, you’re expected to have a pair.
It goes without say that we don’t want to lose them. But, since it’s such a small and compact little case, it happens from time to time.
You can eliminate that moment of panic before you find them at the bottom of your purse by pulling up the AirTag whenever you’re in doubt.
6. Apple TV Remotes
While we’re on the Apple train, what’s the next thing that’s often lost? That sleek little Apple TV remote.
By sticking an AirTag on the back, it’ll help you know which couch cushion to start digging under the moment you realize you can’t find the remote.
7. Sunglasses and Umbrellas
How many times have you heard someone say they’re afraid to invest in a nice pair of Ray Bans because they always lose their glasses? Instead, they opt for the gas station variety because it’s no loss if ten bucks go missing.
You can treat yourself to something a little more special if you pair it with an AirTag. Of course, the next question is, “How do I put a giant AirTag on a pair of glasses?”
Fair enough. This method does take away from the cool factor of a pair of Ray Bans. But, there are specialized glasses straps out there that allow you to attach an AirTag to the lanyard. It’s something to consider!
Umbrellas fall into the same category. Really anything that’s quick and easy to go missing, if there’s a spot for an AirTag, don’t be afraid to stick one on there.
Apple Air Tags: Sweet Little Life Savers
We hope this list will make you wonder what else you can stick an Apple AirTag on. Maybe you have an expensive pen collection, set of golf clubs, or a beautiful Chanel makeup case.
Whatever you hold dear, thanks to Apple’s ingenuity, there are endless ways to protect it. Pick up a few today and rule out all those moments of panic tomorrow.