Bree-Anna Burick Jan 16, 2024 7 min read

Top 10 Foods to Help Boost Your Brain Power

You’ve heard of the ‘feel good’ chemical, dopamine, that resides in our brain, right? We’re eager to embrace it because it activates neurons that signal a pleasure reward.

It’s a nice, natural high that accompanies a feeling of accomplishment.

It’s possible to activate this reward after a productive day at work, a good study session, or a completed task you've been stressing about. But, you’re almost certain to enjoy a nice dose of dopamine after your favorite snack.

Some foods in particular are more effective at releasing dopamine, and this chemical cannot only help you feel happy, but it can help focus more on reward over cost. Focusing on the reward can help make any task, no matter how daunting, feel a little bit easier.

When you’re ready to lay the foundation for a successful day, week, month, or year, try to incorporate some of these brain foods into your weekly routine. With consistency, they may improve your overall health even beyond your brain.


Unfortunately, this isn’t a call to eat a Snickers bar and follow it up with a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup.

If you focus on the purer forms of cocoa, such as the dark chocolate bars found in your local health food store, you could be well on your way to a brain boost.

The goal here isn’t the chocolate itself, but the flavonoids within that provide the benefits of cocoa.

Certain flavonoids may help manage high blood pressure, lower the risk of heart attack, and aid in the battle against diabetes.

With regard to brain power, flavonoids may be able to enhance memory and cognitive skills.

Next time you're at the grocery store, don’t be afraid to add a chocolate bar or two to the basket. Just be sure to aim for 70% cacao or more.

And, although it’s nice to know chocolate belongs on a list of best brain foods, make sure you only eat the suggested serving size; these calories still count!


Beside two or three small pieces of 70% cacao, don’t be afraid to dish a few berries into the mix. Berries are jam-packed with a different form of flavonoids known as anthocyanins.

Anthocyanins may increase blood flow to your brain and improve signaling pathways which could aid in retention and recall.

Which berries contain the highest doses of anthocyanins? We’re glad you asked.

When it comes to brain healthy foods, aim for blueberries, blackberries, or strawberries during your next trip to the market.


You know what else would look nice on that small plate? A few almonds, pistachios, or macadamia nuts. In fact, they’re one of the best foods for brain health.

These nuts contain vitamin E and zinc.

Like flavonoids, vitamin E can help prevent cognitive decline. Meanwhile, zinc can open up the pathways within the brain by boosting communication between neurons within the hippocampus.


Chocolate, berries, and nuts may be enough for this lovely little plate you’re assembling. If you think it needs one more garnish, throw in a few slices of orange or a cute little clementine.

We’re going to hop back on the flavonoid train, but this time with compounds like hesperidin and quercetin.

These little clusters may promote recall and protect nerve cells from injury.

As you explore how to stay focused, a little bit of citrus can provide the zest you need to stay motivated.


If a small plate and a hot cup of coffee is all you’re in the mood for, then you should be all set with the options above.

However, if you’d like to savor a small meal while you crack open a book or do your daily crossword, you might create a dish with an egg or two.

Among a host of other nutrients, eggs contain vitamin B12. That may be one you’re already familiar with, as it can provide a nice boost of energy.

B12 itself doesn’t provide a surge to the system. Rather, it gives the body what it needs to transform food molecules into energy. Interesting, right?

Although not entirely related to cognition, eggs also contain protein which may help us feel full. That makes them a nice way to ward off any future hunger pangs that might distract you from the task at hand.


It’s tough to eat a plate of plain eggs. While not impossible, they typically need a little garnishment.

This is the perfect time to introduce an avocado to the party. You’ve heard about ‘healthy fats’ before, right?

One of their many purposes is to improve mental performance. This is because they contain carotenoids.

Like anthocyanins and hesperidin, there’s evidence to suggest carotenoids can improve cognitive function, thanks to their anti-inflammatory effects.

Pretty cool, right? It’s nice to know there are fats out there that can actually reduce inflammation.


While we’re on the (healthy) fat train, let’s take a look at omega-3s. They’re often found in fatty fish and salmon is at the top of these scales.

Again, the main correlation between fatty fish and the brain is the injection of B12.

Fatty fish can also contain selenium, another compound purported to prevent mental decline. Along with fatty fish, the Brazil nut seems to take on a similar effect - improving verbal fluency and cognition.

Leafy Greens

We can’t write an article about health foods without dropping in a leafy green or two. Green vegetables offer a host of health and wellness benefits.

The compound that particularly relates to brain health is lutein. Studies have shown it can bolster cognitive health, especially if it’s incorporated into your diet throughout your lifespan.

Lutein is listed as a brain food for memory because it may improve our spatial memory. That doesn’t seem like a high price to pay for a pick-me-up.

Remember, citrus is also on the list. If you pour a light lemon vinaigrette over your leafy greens, you’re well on your way.

And it doesn’t stop there. High-quality olive oils also contain healthy fats. You see where we’re going, right? We can all raise a fork to that.

Green Tea

You’ll need something to wash down these delectable delights. If you’re not in the mood for a strong cup of black coffee - or you’re tired of water - opt for a tall glass of iced (or hot) green tea.

It’s widely reported that these tea leaves can support cognition and create a feeling of alertness.

There’s a small dose of caffeine in each cup, but that’s not the only thing responsible for the gentle perk. It’s also due to a nifty little compound known as L-theanine which can improve mental function and lower anxiety.

Black Coffee

We’ll close with a fan favorite: the coffee bean. What is it about coffee that makes us love it so?

Of course, there’s this quick burst of caffeine. But, there are two additional compounds that serve us well: polyphenol and trigonelline.

Mainly, they protect the blood vessels in the brain. Since neural pathways are responsible for practically everything we while focusing and beyond, it’s nice to know we’re looking out for them with each glorious sip.

What Are Your Favorite Brain Foods?

Whether you’re in the mood for a small plate with chocolate and berries or a mini-meal, you can easily lay the foundation for a healthy and productive lifestyle.

Best of all, these brain foods merely crack the surface when you’re gathering tips on how to focus better. Further studies illustrate the power of instrumental music, calm lighting, and essential oils.

We have no doubt you’ll be able to set yourself up for success. So, fill your plate up with the best brain boosting foods and get to work!

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