6 Simple Habits to Help You Lose Weight and Keep it Off
It's that time of year again. The new year is an opportune time to set new goals for yourself - hence the "new year, new me" mantra. While every person will have their own individual goals, many people have common resolutions in mind. That resolution is relating to improving physical health.
According to a Forbes Health survey, losing weight and improving fitness and diet were among the top 5 most popular New Years resolutions for 2024 - alongside improving finances and mental health.
Although you may have the best of intentions going into the new year and are feeling extra motivated on January 1st, the same survey also shows that many - if not most - people give up their resolutions within four months. That means that weight loss goal you had is thrown out the window, but you find yourself promising to do it all again next year.
While this specific survey is for New Years resolutions, weight loss is a goal many people try to commit to all year round. The all too familiar "Diet starts on Monday" culture is a slippery slope and can result in yo-yo dieting or putting off the goal completely.
Whether it's January 1st, the first day of summer, or any other day of the year, you can adopt certain lifestyle habits to help you lose weight. Not just lose the weight, but keep it off.
What is Yo-Yo Dieting?
Have you been losing the same 15 pounds over and over again? Then you're a victim of something called yo-yo dieting. Also known as weight cycling, yo-yo dieting is a pattern of losing weight, then gaining it again - over and over again.
If this sounds like you - don't worry - it's actually quite common, especially in women. Studies suggest that 10% of men and 30% of women have been yo-yo dieters.
Aside from being an annoying and hard habit to kick, research shows that yo-yo dieting can result in a higher body fat percentage and more belly fat overtime. This is because your body regains fat easier than it does muscle. Gaining excess fat can lead to health problems such as high blood pressure, increased risk of heart disease and diabetes, and fatty liver.
At the same effect, weight cycling during the losing weight phase can result in muscle mass loss if you're not eating sufficient protein or strength training.
So, how do we stop this yo-yo dieting cycle?
Habits to Help You Lose Weight and Keep it Off
It's good to have New Years resolutions and goals, but it's more important to apply them to your life long-term. Losing the weight and keeping it off will not only help you break the cycle of yo-yo dieting, but it can also help improve your overall physical and mental health.
1. Set Realistic Goals
While there's nothing wrong with setting high expectations for yourself, setting unrealistic goals can cause you feel ashamed, self-deprecate, or give up altogether. Whether you have 15 or 100 pounds to lose, you must understand that a change like this doesn't happen overnight. Rather, it's likely to take several months to a year or more.
Instead of expecting to lose all the weight in January, hone in on smaller, attainable goals. Don't be afraid to give yourself some time and flexibility throughout your weight loss journey.
A large number like 100 pounds can seem overwhelming and impossible at times, but a smaller goal of losing 1-2 pounds a week seems easier to do. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), people who work on steady weight loss are more likely to keep the weight off than those who lose it quickly.
2. Keep a Food Journal
In this day and age, keeping a food log is easier than ever as there are plenty of apps that allow you to keep track of your diet, calories, and macros right on your phone. There are a lot of benefits to keeping a food journal, just one of which being accountability.
According to the Kaiser Center for Health Research, people who kept a food journal lost twice as much weight as people who didn't. In addition, almost 70% of participants lost enough weight to lower their health risks.
Other benefits of food journaling include: helping identify any food intolerances, helping avoid binge eating, and a better understanding of why you may or may not be losing weight.
3. Find an Exercise Routine
Fitness is different for everyone, so it's important to find a routine and type of exercise that works for you. If you don't love your current exercise routine, consider switching it up or trying something new. If you're bored with running on the treadmill, try strength training. If you're bored with lifting by yourself, try a CrossFit class.
Maybe you still need to find an exercise routine but don't know where to start. First, determine what you can or can't do. If you have restrictions due to past injuries, current weight, age, or anything in between, you need to take those into consideration when choosing how to exercise.
Hiring a personal trainer can be a great way to get a customized and one-on-one workout in and can be especially helpful for people who are new on their fitness journey. Exercise classes can be a great way to socialize, find motivation, and be held accountable. Working out on your own can give you a daily hour of "me time".
Whichever routine you choose, create a workout schedule and stick to it. You'll find that when you find something you love to do, it can feel less like a chore and more like a fun way to get healthy.
4. Get Enough Sleep
Believe it or not, getting the right amount of sleep can help you lose weight and keep it off. Studies suggest that there is a positive relationship between sleep and weight loss. Participants in the study who had good sleep health lost more weight and body fat over a 12-month period.
One of the reasons for this is a lack of sleep can increase hunger and decrease insulin sensitivity - both of which can lead to weight gain.
If you have a hard time sleeping at night, a healthier lifestyle of diet and exercise could improve it. Also adopting a bedtime routine is a good way to help your sleep health. Limiting screen time before bed, taking a warm bath, or doing evening stretches are just a few of the changes you could make.
There are certain conditions such as insomnia that may require medication, so it's important to visit your doctor if you find your sleep is not improving with your lifestyle changes.
5. Allow Yourself a Cheat Meal
Although your weight loss journey needs to be a disciplined one, allowing yourself a cheat meal each week can actually be beneficial. First, it can be good for your mind as restricting yourself of the foods you love can cause you to binge and fall back into the yo-yo dieting cycle.
Second, there's actually science behind the benefits of a cheat meal. Research suggests that your body increases its metabolism after a cheat meal, which helps you burn calories faster. This is due to an increase of leptin levels, which is a hormone secreted by fat cells. This hormone helps maintain your body's energy balance.
However, it's important to do cheat days the right way. Many nutritionists often suggest the 80/20 rule when it comes to diet. This means that 80% of your meals should be healthy, and 20% can be more flexible. Also, instead of dedicating a whole day to cheating, aim to satisfy a certain craving - like with sweets, salty snacks, or alcoholic beverages.
Lastly, if you're going to have a cheat meal, try to plan it on a day where you have a workout planned, so you can help your body burn off those extra calories.
6. Drink More Water
You likely hear it all the time - drink more water. But what exactly is the connection between drinking water and weight loss? There is plenty of evidence behind the benefits of drinking water, and John Hopkins University gives us at least seven.
Benefits of Drinking Water:
Natural appetite suppressor
Stimulates your metabolism
Helps replace sodas and other high-calorie beverages
Helps the body function more efficiently
Helps your kidneys remove waste
Helps the body burn more body fat
Increases motivation and reduces stress
Keep the Weight Off This Year
While weight loss is a desired goal for many people, especially around the new year, it can be one of the most difficult to stick with. Making small and simple lifestyle changes, such as drinking more water and finding your favorite exercise routine, can help you finally stick to your weight loss goal.
Not only will these changes aid in losing the weight, but will also help you keep it off for good!