Kit KittlestadMar 6, 2025 3 min read

The Rumors Are True - Hot Cheetos Have a New Flavor

Credit: Adobe Stock

Are you ready for your world to be rocked? We hope you’re prepared to question everything you know to be true. Cheetos is out with a brand new flavor for their Flamin’ Hot formula and, boy, is it a doozy. 

Fear not. We can still cherish our beloved Hot Cheetos flavor. But, things are about to be turned on their head – in a most delightful way. 

New Hot Cheetos Flavor

So, what’s all the fuss about? It’s about some Flamin’ Dill Pickle Hot Cheetos. That’s right; we said dill pickle. It’s a flavor that pairs well with a bit of spice, though, isn’t it? 

The online debate roars on as to whether or not the dill of it all will take away from the spicy flavor we’ve come to know and love. And, truth be told, even on a good day, dill can be divisive. But, by and large, the verdict is in and it’s a positive one. 

Credit: Adobe Stock

What Are People Saying?

You’ll find a lot of people out there saying that this is the perfect snack. The masters of Spicy Cheetos pulled it off. Somehow, they managed to balance the classic Flamin’ Hot Cheetos flavors with the tang of a sour dill pickle. 

It seems that, from the first crunch, people pick up on the dill flavors first, then the classic kick of the Cheetos spice sets in. And let’s not forget to be a bit salty about it all. After the dill and spice delight the senses, there’s a pleasant pinch of salt to round things out. And, when you coat that in the cheesy goodness that only Cheetos can achieve, you’ve got a winning recipe. 

Pickles Are Having a Moment

We have to give credit where credit is due. The marketing masters at Cheetos are “with it” because pickles are having a moment for some reason. Recently, for Valentine’s Day, our friend was given a bouquet of pickles in lieu of some classic red roses. Her boyfriend knows her pretty well, we’d say. 

A lot of Gen Zers are taking the trend to new heights on social media – and we’re here for it. The satisfying crunch of a pickle goes with everything (and they’re such a guilt-free snack). Isn’t it kind of astounding how many flavors and varieties there are when it comes to pickles? 

Credit: Adobe Stock

Dreams Deferred

Are you ready to rock your Hot Cheetos world? Well, the hits keep on coming because we have a bit of bittersweet news: you have to jump on the bandwagon today because Flamin' Hot Dill Pickle Cheetos will only be around for a month. We know, a real tease, right? 

Alas, all good things must come to an end. And, as we embrace the great pickle movement, there’s no harm in munching on some Flamin’ Hot Cheetos with a dash of dill. Happy snacking, friends! 

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