Bree-Anna Burick Nov 1, 2024 6 min read

Sneaky Signs of Breast Cancer You Need to Know

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According to studies, breast cancer impacts roughly 1 in 8 women around the globe, and 1 out of every 43 women who test positive for breast cancer ultimately lose the battle to this terrible disease. Oncologists agree that breast cancer risk increases with age, and women over the age of 70 are the most likely to be diagnosed.

However, women aren’t the only people who can develop breast cancer. While it’s much less likely in men, both genders can develop this type of cancer. Regardless of gender, the life expectancy of people with Stage 4 breast cancer is one or two years in the most aggressive cases.

One of the most powerful weapons in the battle against breast cancer is recognizing some of the warning signs of breast cancer. By being vigilant and seeking medical care as soon as you notice any of these breast cancer symptoms, you can tackle the disease before it has a chance to threaten your life.

Unexplained Pain in the Breast

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One of the earliest signs of breast cancer is unexplained breast pain. If you’ve ever worked out with a focus on your chest or lifted heavy items, you’ve probably dealt with the muscle soreness that comes the day after. If you start noticing pain in either breast when you haven’t done anything physical recently, it can be a symptom of breast cancer.

Several other types of cancer don’t cause pain until the tumor grows into something massive, which is actually one of the things that makes breast cancer so detectable early on. Even at their smallest, tumors in the breast can press against the tissue and nerves, creating a feeling of discomfort.

Of course, a single instance of pain in the breast is nothing to panic about, as there are any number of things that can lead to pain and discomfort. However, if it persists for more than a couple of days, especially if you have a family history of breast cancer, you should seek professional medical attention as soon as possible.

Changes in the Skin on the Breast

As is the case with any type of cancer, breast cancer comes in many forms. One type of breast cancer, known as inflammatory breast cancer, often presents with changes to the skin on the breast. Dimpling or puckering of the skin is one of the first signs of this type of cancer.

While it’s certainly scary to notice this type of change to the skin, it’s good to know that it’s an early warning sign which allows you to seek treatment quickly.

When cancer cells form in the breast they block the lymph nodes in the area. This leads to inflammation inside which results in the skin changing on the outside.

Several patients who have dealt with this type of breast cancer report a warmth or tingling sensation coming from the affected area, which gives you another sign to look out for.

If any changes to the skin on your breast persists, you should reach out to your doctor as quickly as possible. Inflammatory breast cancer can often be successfully treated if it’s caught early, so be sure to monitor any changes that you notice.

Nipple Discharge

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It’s important to note that breastfeeding mothers regularly experience discharge from their nipples, and this is not a symptom of anything serious. However, if you’re not breastfeeding, discharge from the nipples can be one of the earliest warning signs of breast cancer. This is especially true if the discharge is bloody instead of milky.

However, nipple discharge isn’t always a cancer symptom, as it can happen when someone has infection or is undergoing hormonal shifts. As is the case with most of the symptoms that we’ve discussed, it’s important to act if symptoms persist.

In addition to seeing if the discharge persists, experts recommend seeking treatment if the discharge only comes from one breast. Usually, when discharge is related to hormone shifts, it comes from both sides.

Changes in Nipple Appearance

As was the case with discharge, changes in nipple appearance are normal when someone is breastfeeding. However, when those changes take place while a person is not breastfeeding, it can be a sign of breast cancer that cannot be ignored.

Again, a change in nipple appearance is not always a reason to panic. Some changes in the appearance of your nipples are completely benign.

However, if you notice persistent changes, especially those that lead to the nipple changing shape, inverting, or flattening, it’s a good idea to see a doctor quickly. Scaly or crusty skin on or around the nipple is another early warning sign. These changes sometimes occur when a tumor that’s located just behind the nipple pulls breast tissue inward, which results to changes in appearance.

Swollen Lymph nodes Under the Arm

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Finally, one sneaky sign of breast cancer isn’t found on or in the breast. Instead, it’s common for a tumor in the breast to cause lymph nodes under your arm to swell.

Lymph nodes act as filters in your body. Cancer cells often get lodged in them, resulting in swelling. In some cases, swollen lymph nodes signal breast cancer long before there’s a formed tumor in the breast, which allows doctors to handle the problem quickly.

Unfortunately, if the swelling under the arm doesn’t present alongside a lump in the breast, many people assume that they’re just battling off some type of infection. That’s why it’s so important to monitor the situation. If the swelling persists or spreads to other areas under your arm, get medical attention as quickly as you can.

Know These Signs of Breast Cancer

By knowing about the warning signs of breast cancer, including those that aren’t quite as common as finding a lump, you can help protect yourself from this disease.

Scientists around the globe are continuing to search for a cure and in turn, save lives. Until then, vigilance is key. Protect yourself by looking for these changes.

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